Make a difference today!

Sponsor Student Transport!
£10 a month.
One of our goals is to eradicate financial poverty by 2050. Our education programs directly work towards this goal, and to ensure that everyone has equal access to that education, regardless of financial capacity. We proudly provide a bus or Becak (kart) to transport all of our students to and from our Hub in Bukit Lawang. Allowing us to provide free education to nearly 300 students from 8 different rural communities along the border of the Tropical Leuser Ecosystem, and importantly get our students home safely after class!
You can help us by sponsoring the cost of transport for the students from one or more of these communities by signing up as one of our 'Transport Sponsors'. For a small monthly contribution you can personally ensure that our students have access to education.
Sponsor a Teacher!
£25 a month.
We are now offering you the incredible opportunity to directly support one of our amazing Indonesian Staff by contributing towards their salary. This is one of the most impactful and sustainable means of supporting local people in Indonesia, which is why almost all of our staff are hired from the local community to serve the local community.
By sponsoring one of our incredible teachers, you are ensuring financial security and making sure that our staff and their families are supported.

University Scholarship Scheme!
£20 a month.
Over the last 20 years, the Bukit Lawang Trust has made it its mission to ensure that financial poverty and other socio-economic factors are not a barrier to access to education. In fact it is our belief that everyone everywhere deserves equal and equitable access to education. That's why we have been seeking out Generous supporters, sponsors and good Samaritans to sponsor the tuition fees for our students to help them gain the very best opportunities they can, through access to good quality education.
In fact, since 2011 we have been sponsoring students from the local communities we serve, to go through higher education and gain a Bachelors degree! These successful students are an inspiration for the younger generation, giving our students something to strive towards!
Become a student sponsor today and make a significant difference to the life of our lucky scholarship recipients.
Sponsor a Students Education!
£5 a month.
The Trust is proud to deliver free education to hundreds of students from rural communities across rural North Sumatra in Indonesia.
However without the support of generous and like minded individuals we would not be able to provide the basic resources needed for education. Such as books, pens, pencils etc.
For just £5 a month you can sponsor one of our students to receive all of the learning resources and equipment they need for school, Including pens, pencils books and a whole range of learning resources. Thereby directly supporting a child's access to education in Indonesia.
Do something truly amazing today! Sponsor a student!

Plant a tree in the Jungle!
£5 a Tree.
We are working alongside our partner organizations to establish Tree nurseries and rewilding zones along the buffer zone of the severely endangered Leuser Ecosystem here in North Sumatra, Indonesia.
As part of this Initiative we are working to regrow and rewild some of the areas of Jungle that have been destroyed by unsustainable Human developments such as Palm Oil plantations.
As well as rewilding the buffer zone, the Trust works with local Indonesian expert guides to go deep into the tropical rainforest to plant trees deep in the forest. This helps to keep endangered species of animal such as the Sumatran Orangutan away from Human populations by providing a source of food deep in the Jungle.
Every tree we plant will absorb around 1 metric tonne of Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere in its lifetime! why not plant a tree every month?!

3 easy steps to becoming one of our amazing monthly sponsors!
3 easy steps to become one of our amazing monthly sponsors!
Step I:
Go to your online banking account. Select the account you wish the payment to come from and start to make a payment.
Step II:
Input the details below for the recipient of the payment:
Bank - NatWest Bank
Account Name - Bukit Lawang Trust
Sort Code - 60-12-03
Account Number - 26193000
IBAN - GB24NWBK60120326193000
Step III:
Ensure the payment is scheduled to be a monthly recurring payment. Add your reference so we know what your sponsorship is going towards and that's it!
You are now one of the Bukit Lawang Trusts family of sponsors! from all of us here at the Trust thank you! By choosing to sponsor us on a monthly basis, you have become a driving force behind positive sustainable development in rural North Sumatra!